ITIL4 - CDS Sample 1

ITIL4 - CDS Sample 1

1 / 40

An organization is designing a value stream to provide user support. People from several internal and external teams, who will potentially be involved in the value stream, are discussing its design. The discussion highlighted different opinions on the design of the
value stream.

Which statement about the design of the value stream is MOST CORRECT?

2 / 40

Which is the BEST example of team collaboration?

3 / 40

An organization performs many activities related to reactive problem identification. It wants to put more emphasis on proactive problem identification.

Which is an example of an activity that the organization should focus on?

4 / 40

An organization is experiencing delays to incident resolutions because there is a lack of
clarity about escalation paths among support teams. These delays sometimes cause the
organization to lose a lot of money. The organization has decided to investigate the activities involved in incident resolution, and to produce a flow of activities which are connected from the time a disruption occurs until a resolution has been identified.

Which concept is this an example of?

5 / 40

Which concept refers to the management of IT delivery and value chains by a single entity that coordinates the various suppliers?

6 / 40

An organization has noticed that the number of changes which have failed has increased during the last few months. The feedback from many of the reviews of these changes shows that some of the relevant stakeholders were not consulted at any time during the development cycle, during which there have been some formal advisory meetings.

Which approach would BEST help to improve this situation?

7 / 40

An organization prioritizes incidents as high, medium or low so that it can decide the order of resolving incidents. The organization always resolves high-priority and mediumpriority incidents before low-priority incidents, which sometimes means that low-priority incidents are never resolved. The organization has received complaints from users with low-priority incidents because of the long resolution times.

Which is the BEST approach for the organization to take to resolve this situation?

8 / 40

An organization's application development team has too much development work for them to complete. In addition to this, the team members are also frequently asked to help resolve incidents and assist operations teams by explaining elements of an application's performance.

Which concept would help to overcome the challenge of interruptions to the application development team's work?

9 / 40

An organization wants to introduce a new service. There are many teams that will contribute to the design, development and transition of the service.

Which approach should the organization follow when creating a value stream for this new service?

10 / 40

An organization has set up an 'ideas' page on an internal website and is encouraging its employees to experiment with different working methods when they experience issues that prevent the achievement of outcomes.

Which concept is involved in these changes?

11 / 40

An organization has allocated budget to an initiative to improve the productivity of staff by providing a new mobile application. There are no existing designs, but there is a long list of desired features which has recently been collected from a broad survey of the staff. It will not be possible to deliver all of the requests in a suitable timeframe.

Which approach would be BEST aligned to the 'design thinking' methodology at this initial ‘empathy’ stage?

12 / 40

When verifying that an incident has been resolved, which is an example of value as perceived by a user?

13 / 40

Which concept is concerned with creating good working relationships with other people by considering their intellectual and emotional needs?

14 / 40

An organization uses escalation procedures as part of its ‘incident management’ practice. Each incident follows a defined escalation path. If the initial resolution group is unable to diagnose or resolve the incident, then it is transferred to a new resolution group. The initial resolution group is not aware of the workload that the new resolution group has. Users have complained that incidents take a long time to resolve when they are escalated.

Which approach or concept would BEST help to resolve this situation?

15 / 40

What technology is PRIMARILY used to examine and transform data in order to make predictions and generate recommendations?

16 / 40

An organization has reviewed the way it assesses the performance of its internal IT teams. It has decided that the IT teams need to be more focused on customers, and it has assigned the teams new targets to reflect this change. For example, the IT teams now have targets relating to the business impact caused by IT failures, and customer satisfaction with the IT teams' work and behaviour.

Which approach is being demonstrated by these examples?

17 / 40

Which sourcing model involves an organization using its own staff and infrastructure?

18 / 40

An organization has undergone an audit to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of its practices. The audit findings state that the organization wastes a lot of time and effort in resolving incidents when the solution is known to another team. The organization does not ensure that lessons learned from employees, who are leaving the business soon, are transitioned to other employees. The audit also found that the same types of mistakes
regularly occur.

Which ITIL practice would help the organization to overcome these issues?

19 / 40

Which is a key aspect of collaboration and workflow?

20 / 40

Which TWO are the possible sources of demand for a value stream to restore a live service?

1. Someone is unable to log into their user account for the service

2. A monitoring tool detects a service failure

3. The service desk calls a user to provide a status update for an incident

4. A user provides feedback to the incident manager when an incident is closed

21 / 40

What provides value to an organization by ensuring that there is end-to-end management for the organization's suppliers through a single entity?

22 / 40

Under which circumstances should an organization build, instead of buy, software?

23 / 40

What is a challenge when applying a 'shift-left' approach?

24 / 40

Which competency profile is required by an individual who has been asked to motivate others to adopt the new ways of working required to support the organization's goals?

25 / 40

An organization is struggling to respond to and resolve incidents in accordance with business needs and expectations. High-priority incidents are often ignored because lowpriority incidents can be easier and quicker to solve.

What would MOST improve this situation?

26 / 40

Which concept helps organizations to understand the structure of, and relationships between, their business and technology services?

27 / 40

Which step in building a 'shift-left' approach involves the activities of communicating the benefits to stakeholders, and sharing the approach with them?

28 / 40

An organization has released a major upgrade to one of its applications and is experiencing large volumes of incidents as a result.

Which is an example of how the 'service desk' practice could contribute to the value stream for supporting the incidents?

29 / 40

An organization has decided to move some of its testing activities to earlier phases in the software development lifecycle.

Which concept has the organization applied?

30 / 40

An organization that has a hierarchical structure is reviewing its project management practice and is considering the various ways to introduce a new or changed service.

Which is an advantage of an agile approach in this situation?

31 / 40

What does the performance of a supervised machine-learning system depend on?

32 / 40

Which statement about employee surveys is CORRECT?

33 / 40

A start-up organization has introduced new ways of working in its projects. Project team members are now encouraged to give feedback on actions rather than people to establish a ‘no-blame’ culture, and to ensure that communication is honest and

Which concept has been applied by the start-up?

34 / 40

An organization has development teams which respond to requests for change to their applications. The requests have a range of urgency levels. The development teams have realized that low-priority requests take a very long time to be resolved because there are always higher-priority requests.

Which concept would BEST help to address this situation?

35 / 40

An organization wants to ensure that the introduction of new services is as smooth as possible. Some of the key activities it has identified are: educating support teams with lessons from development and testing; preparing self-service knowledge articles for users; and making development team members available in case there are any issues immediately after go-live.

Which practice is the MOST important for these activities?

36 / 40

An organization would like to apply the 'focus on value' guiding principle to the 'service level management' practice.

Which is the BEST way to do this?

37 / 40

An organization uses internal and external development teams that collaborate effectively to produce new and upgraded services. When the changes are released, users complain that the service desk staff are often not aware of the changes, and that any support issues relating to the changes take a long time to resolve.

What would prevent this situation from occurring in the future?

38 / 40

An organization is reviewing the way it handles its requirements for new projects.

Which is an example of an 'outside in' approach?

39 / 40

An organization releases service upgrades in response to changing market demand. The market demand needs to be fulfilled quickly to capture market value. Some members of the product team believe that some tests can be skipped because of the need to release quickly. Other team members believe that everything should be tested carefully, therefore they have proposed increasing the number and scope of tests.

Which is the BEST approach to resolve this situation?

40 / 40

An organization has automated most of its activities to create and change its products and services, but it still has a final manual check before releasing software to the live environment.

Which approach is this an example of?

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